Thursday, February 17, 2005

Falling tree

So, I have committed the most common crime of the new century: wasting internet space.

I started this blog and then quit using it. I apologize. I think this my lack of participation has something to do with the belief that each post should be either preposterously profound, or at least offer some valuable insight into the human condition.

Then I heard the now cliche philisophical query: If a tree falls in the woods, and there's no on there to hear it, does it make a sound/noise?

And I got to thinking, which is never a good thing, and answered the question.

Along the way, I began to wonder, "if a man posts a blog, and there's no one there to read it, does he have a responsibility to the non-existent reader?" So, I've decided to just type. After all, I started this thing to put my thoughts in order.

(Note to Googlers: I have no idea what random search has linked you to this blog, but it probably doesn't offer the insight you desire)

Before I go, back to the tree. The tree does make a sound, but not a noise.


sound is a scientific certainty. The tree, by moving quickly downward and colliding with the ground, will cause a displacement of air that will result in sound. This is just basic science and requires no observer.

Noise, however, is qualitative. To paraphrase Webster's: Noise is a sound, especially of a non-musical or unpleasant quality. The key word is quality. Quality requires judgement, which reguires someone to judge. Therefore, you can not have a noise without someone to observe whether the noise is pleasnt or not. No one to hear, no noise. That simple.

Next time, I tackle the age old question about chicken and eggs...or perhaps I'll just type whatever's in my mind. after all, it doesn't matter.


Blogger Laura said...

Great answer to the tree question!

2/18/2005 2:43 PM  

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