Friday, February 18, 2005


Today I will coin a new term (not that this will actually work, if you try to coin a termo or phrase the general public usually detects your effort and rejects the coinage).

term of the day: Blamble

blamble - the resulting post when a blogger begins typing and wanders among his/her thoughts. origins: blog, ramble

So, why do we so often blamble?

I see several likely causes:

1)We are ramblers anyway, and just translate it to the blogs (I, myself, am not typically a rambler. I present myself as a manof purpose and d... okay, I probably ramble. alot. really alot.)

2) many bloggers start posting with no specific topic in mind. On occasion they (read I) have a topic but aren't sure how they feel about it. This is not innately bad. Afterall, in the words of Aerosmith, "life's a journey not a destination." And the journey is sometimes a hell of a lot more fun than the destination - think how much fun the commute to wrk would be if you weren't thinking about the work at the end of the tunnel. So, these bloggers will begin typing on a topic and work out how they feel about it along the way. I often end completely different than I began because of this.

3)Familiarity. Let's face it, you're either using a web interface, a word processing program, or your e-mail to blog. these are programs you communicate through everyday. they are so familiar, it's almost like talking to yourself (which is why I use completely different e-mail programs for work e-mail and personal e-mail. not sure many people would apprciate my sense of humor professionally. good to keep those separate). So, in talking to yourself, do you follow any English class structure? No, you just think. (Okay, I just think, maybe you do have structure to your internal monologue, like some fixed-camera sitcom star, but I tend to jump around like rat on the third rail.) And that's how many of us type these blambles, we just think and type. I make a point to edit none but the most glaring errors.

4) It all has to do with the motivation behind blogging. some people blog to provide counter-media information. others, blog as a kind of ongoing Christmas letter to their long-distance frends and families. Blamblers blog because they are on a journey of self-exploration. (though not all exploring bloggers are blamblers). and then there's me.

But that's another post.


Blogger Laura said...

OMG!!!!! I'm such a blambler! Thanks for giving me a word that describes me! I'll do my best to pass along this word in the South! Of course, we'll probably hack at it and add a few extra syllables... You have to love that accent! :)

2/18/2005 2:29 PM  

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