Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Irresponsible blogger

So, I realize it's been 2 weeks since the last post. I'm sure you all are checking back daily just waiting with baited breath (which I always wondered about. why would your breath be baited? does it smell like earthworms or dead fish or something? Yuck.) But, well, have you been outside recently? trees are blooming in New York City. Parks are waiting to be explored. And the fashions get pretty interesting this time of year as well.

so, please forgive me. And get off your butt and go enjoy the outdoors.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Spring cleaning

Okay, some incomplete thoughts of no particular merit cluttering my system:

1. The Pope is dead. I recognize this as a historical moment, though I have no particular feelings about the Pope. However, I am looking forward to comparing the selection process for the new Pope to that written about in Dan Brown's Angels and Demons.

2. Beautiful weather just makes everything seem all right for a little while.

3. A burnign question: how many people can the current administration piss off before we get attacked? I think we might actually have WMDs - somewhere in Nebraska or a similarly unopulated state - unlike other countries I could mention.

4. Speaking of Iraq, the new president is a Kurd. I've spent some amount of time in the Midwest and when I hear Kurd I can't help but think of fired cheese curds. Not the same thing, I realise, but I have this vision of breaded cheese sitting in a chair in some palace.

5. Cats are better than cable. I'm not entirely sure thay are cheaper, but they're just as entertaining and much more cuddly.

6. blamble just isn't taking off yet. though I did notice a blog called "blamble sog"

7. I remember as a kid passing certain scenes that caught my interest, but I didn't get to take in fully. I used to believe that I would never be at peace because I would never no how those things would turn out - or what the rest of the sign said, or what kind of car it was, etc. I used to fear collecting these unfinished observations and running out of room in my mind. You know what? It didn't really matter. Still, to this day, I have this perpetual sense of something I missed. Guess that I wasn't such a silly kid after all.

8. I'm not sure if it's by definition, but profound thoughts seem impossible to manufacture.

9. Why must people stop in the middle of sideWALKS? I'm all for smelling the roses, but have some consideration.

10. Celebrity is like gold. If everyone had it, it would be worthless.

11. How come some things that are just wrong - say, jokes about death or excessivey violent video games - are so amusing?

12. Why is death so bad? If we don't know what happens, how can we be sure it's not all moist chocolate cake and line-free roller coasters?

13. Where does the phrase "cat got your tongue" come from? I can understand not being able to speak if the cat has got your tongue. however, why would you allow the cat close enough to the inside of your mouth to grab your tongue? Really, anyone who's that close to their cat - keeping in mind that cats lick their own rears - deserves what they get. But the real question is, who was that came up with the concept of putting silence and cat-tongue-getting together?

Okay, that's better. Now I might be able to think again.

It is finally Spring!

That's all I have to say about that.