Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A year of blambles

So fearless reader(s?), it has come on that all irrelevant one year anniversary of my first blog. I'm not going to review the year or anything like that.

Instead, let's talk about toasters. I walked past this bank today that had a window full of toasters. I assume they give them out with a bank account. At least, that's what they used to do. I remember - or, at least, remember hearing about - banks giving out appliances to new customers. Which leads to the question: Why toasters? Of all the things to give out, why appliances?

I can understand why this new bank would give out toasters (and they're nice Cuisinart toasters too), it's a nostalgia gimmick thing. But why did they begin giving out toasters?

So, as I look back on a year of pointless blambles, a year that began with an attempt to develop a fictional character and ended with a question about toasters, I can only realize that this blog has no redeeming social value. But maybe it made someone smile, a little.

And that's good enough.


Blogger Spider said...

Yes, it does have redeeming value!

If anything, to just introduce the words "blamble" and "blambing." Sure it's taking awhile for them to catch on, but a lot of things take time to do that. Look at Beta tapes. . . oh wait, bad example.

1/25/2006 8:07 PM  

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