Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Things that aren't

Okay, I'm in a list mood today. I was trying to amuse myself (something that I have found increasingly easy on days when I have nothing better to do) and start making things up, things that don't exist.

I've listed them below, please feel free to contribute.

Without further ado, things that aren't:

* Spoken statements where "it goes without saying"

* A cat & toast anti-gravity machine

* all ages concerts without annoying teenagers (Note: their is a non-annoying variety of teen as well, but the annoying variety makes their presence more obvious)

* Altruism

* Intelligent Bush-isms

* Iraqi WMDs

* Entertaining Reality Tv on the broadcast networks

* A Joss Whedon show not worth fanatical devotion

* An recent, smart decision by a Fox programming exec (outside renewing Arrested Development)

* An Ivy League national champion in any sport with a major league

* Military intelligence

* Non-cheesy George Lucas dialogue

* A reason why Bush should be in the white House

* wide-spread use of the word blamble

* A video game where the goal is to lose

* A sure thing

* A Japanese luxury car

* Actual lyrics to "Louie, Louie"

* A valid reason to stop Gay marriage

* A truly open-mind (well, unless you have a good bone saw...)

* Serial killers with a heart

* Easy Money

* Money that grows trees

* Impartial news from sources owned by an Australian magnate

* Edible cereal that never gets soggy

* Low-carb french fries

* good-tasting Beer

* Airline seats at the advertised rate

* Thrash metal sonnets

* A reason for this post

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Spring cleaning, again

More thoughts that I am having trouble making a full blamble out of:

1) the high value of Good is entirely dependent on the existense of bad/evil. Without evil, there could be no good. So, doesn't that mean that some part of evil is inherently good?

2) Intelligence and knowledge really are separate. It doesn't matter how much you know, you can still be a complete idiot. Though, some of the most intelligent people in the world, really don't know much about most things. ("An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less")

3) No action is selfless. Discuss.

4) There are so many religions with often contradicting rules to get into Heaven(or whatever that religion calls the Utopian location in the afterlife). If you choose one and stick to all it's rules, does that guarantee you a spot? What if you live your life by the strictest rules of a religion, say Catholicism, but follow a different religion, like Buddhism? Do you got to the Catholic heaven?

5)When I was in high school, I spent a lot of lunches playing SimCity and SimEarth. Whenever lunch was about to end, I would go on a rampage unleashing all sorts of disasters and destroying random civilizations/structures. I always used to wonder if maybe I was really controlling some alternate universe. So, if armageddon ever comes, we'll know lunch is almost over.

6) In my next life, I want to stay in bed.

7) Cats, and I may have said this before, are better than cable. A little more expensive, but so much more fun. Of course, they can be a bit of a pain, but I love them anyway.

8) If we ever figure the universe out, it will start all over again more confusing. Does that mean the universe made sense way back when and someone keeps figuring it out?

9) How come when Windows releases a patch, there's all these people proclaiming that it's a messed up OS and that they should never have released it, but Mac releases a patch - only weeks after releaseing the software (Tiger 10.4.1) - and it's a considerate "update" by the do no wrong Apple?

9B) How come no one has complained about the way Apple is monopolizng Itunes? When IE had to be on computers, it was evil. But saying you can only dowload to a particular piece of portable hardware is protecting your interests. Hypocricy! (Not that windows isn't at least a little evil)

10) They've upped the ante and the next generation of video games should be photo-realistic. for the most part, they'll still suck, but it will suck like a movie now.

11) "If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane." Discuss.

12) What is the American dream? No, really. There are so many American dreams (writing the great-American novel-which has already been done-, being your own boss - seem slike alot of work to me-, finding your soulmate- no experience there-, etc., etc.). Which one is the real one?

12b) I think it is true that you can do anything you want in America. Look at the current Presidential administration. Proof that anyone can get anywhere in this country, regardless of merit or qualificaiton (or whether they actually won the election).

13) I've decided to not strive for profoundness in my writing. That way, if I actually say something profound, you'll be caught unawares.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A month of nothing

It has been nearly a month since I last posted. If anyone actually read this, some might wonder where I've been, why I haven't posted.

Here's the problem: I have started this blog to find out who I am. Not what I've been doing, but what I've been thinking. I place a much higher value on thoughts that actions, simply because the actions are precipitated by thoughts, but thoughts do not always result when one takes action. I realize that doesn't makes much sense, but I'm not feeling sensical.

If you read back through this, you won't see much about my daily life. Partially, this is because I don't have one. Mostly, it's because I don't care what I do each day. Things happen, just like in everyone else's life. It's the potentially profound thoughts I like to focus on and work out.

really that's what this is for, a chance to try out my ideas. Rather than just writing them down and reworking them, I've put them here so anyone can comment on them and, perhaps, help me refine them further.

All that being said, I haven't had time to wonder who I am lately, too busy.

And in all likeliehood, that's not going to change much in the immediate future.

So, I apologize. I hope if you stumble across this you'll stop back again to see what I've said and comment on it (ridicule, controversy, praise, I don't care what you say.)

And until I write again, I hope you're well. I hope I'm well. And I really, really hope there not out of salads down at the deli.