Thursday, November 17, 2005

Youth is wasted

Recently at work, we were discussing the death of a 16-year-old. The kid died in a manner which is not all that unusual. Typically, we'll talk about the death - a hazard of the industry I'm involved in - and move on. For some reason, this death seemed to touch peole a little more.

Why? Why do people value the death of a child more highly than the death of an adult?

Why do we as a society value our children so much, even above ourselves? What makes a child's life inherently more valuable than an adults? The adult has affected so many more lives and will leave a much bigger hole in the community, but it's the child who is the catalyst for new laws. The adult is less of a drain on society. The adult is already contributing - as opposed to just having the potential to contribute.

For once, I don't have a theory. I don't even have an opinion. Should the children be valued? Or is this some anachronistic instinct from ancient times? I don't know, though I have a feeling a parent would have a quick answer, but I think they're biased.

Okay, I'm in some sort of serious mood today. I think I'll try not to post anymore boring or serious topics for now. More when I lighten up.


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