Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Under New Management

Like the corporate world, when its time to reinvent, I merely change the name on the door. In this case, I've dropped the alias and gone for me. So, originally this blog was started by a character I was writing a book about. He needed to be more human, so I started a blog to see how he would react to the world. Unfortuantely, I was reacting and the character became more and more like me.

So, I quit blogging and finished the book. Someday, I'll finish typing it into the computer and try to get it published.

For now, however, I've put my name on this and decided to keep it as my blog: a new name, a new look, same old blambles.

The blogs prior to this are a mixture of my thoughts and what I thought Phil would think. Now, it's all me.

What will I blog about now? Theories, observations, questions I wish to send out to the universe.

I can't promise it will be good. I can't promise it will be succinct. I can't promise much of anything at all. I can tell you that I'm pretty darn twisted some times, bizzarre other times, and the only time I'm not thinking about something is when I'm dreaming about another thing.

So, this is mine now. Enjoy.


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