Say what?
A few posts back I tried to create a new word. While Blamble hasn't taken off yet, I still have hope.
My hope springs (not eternal, but for a little while longer) from everyday conversation. I have developed the habit of stopping every once in a while to examine the words I use everyday. I like to compare them with my mental database of words my parents wouldn't have recognized when I was born(such as, possibly, database) or whose meanings have changed so dramatically as to make their use totally foreign to those people of the past.
blog, e-mail, internet, world wide web, dot com, Al Qaeda, hard drive, (basically any computer term); console gaming, air bags, Ground Zero, September 11th, PDA, CD, DVD, video tape...
The list is long. You can throw in just about any brand name and most technology and a lot of acronyms.
I'm going to keep today's post short, don't want to blamble too much, but I challenge you reader(s) to examine your language. Would your parents have understood you when they were your age? I'm not refering to slang (no -izzles in the list), or limiting it to technology words (though there's a whole post in the changes in technology), but words in general.
Just something to think about. And a basis of hope for the new words (*cough*blamble*cough*) to come.
English (like Frodo) lives.
My hope springs (not eternal, but for a little while longer) from everyday conversation. I have developed the habit of stopping every once in a while to examine the words I use everyday. I like to compare them with my mental database of words my parents wouldn't have recognized when I was born(such as, possibly, database) or whose meanings have changed so dramatically as to make their use totally foreign to those people of the past.
blog, e-mail, internet, world wide web, dot com, Al Qaeda, hard drive, (basically any computer term); console gaming, air bags, Ground Zero, September 11th, PDA, CD, DVD, video tape...
The list is long. You can throw in just about any brand name and most technology and a lot of acronyms.
I'm going to keep today's post short, don't want to blamble too much, but I challenge you reader(s) to examine your language. Would your parents have understood you when they were your age? I'm not refering to slang (no -izzles in the list), or limiting it to technology words (though there's a whole post in the changes in technology), but words in general.
Just something to think about. And a basis of hope for the new words (*cough*blamble*cough*) to come.
English (like Frodo) lives.