Saturday, March 05, 2005

Age or Geography?

I seldom come to a post with a topic in mind. On rare occasions, however, I will observe something I want to talk about and begin writing in my head, ready to put it down on the computer. (Note: What's written in my head never survives intact to be posted).

Today was one of those rare days when I had something that I wanted to post. Because I can, I'm going to share some of what I started writing in my head, and then what I realized and kind of give you an inside look at blambling in action (still trying to push that stupid word, I can just imagine trying to make that a word for the rest of my life - to the point where it's carved on my tombstone. Hey, it worked for Mr. Sandwich!)

the original:

Today I feel like talking about socializing. More specifically, hanging out with friends. Now some of you may have the ability to call a friend up and meet up with them on the spur of the moment. Those of you in New York laugh at this concept(note: as there are only two, possibly three, acknowledged readers of these posts, and one lives in NYC, the other doesn't, it's safe to assume that half of you know what I'm talking about).

That's the thing about New York, you don't just go over to people's houses. First, meeting people is a pain here, but that's a post of it's own. Once you have people who actually have given you a phone number and e-mail address, making plans with them is a drawn out back and forth affair. Especially over e-mail. In the whole time I've lived in the city, only once have I called up a friend and said "hey, want to hang out tonight?" And that was today. And that's why I'm thinking about this.

the ironic(possibly, maybe just weird - note to self: study definition of irony) thing is that many people move to New York city for the whole Friends/Seinfeld atmosphere of people just dropping by. Life is not a sitcom people! for one thing, New York apartments, especially in Manhattan, aren't nearly as big as they are on tv.

But what I'm trying to observe is that in New York, people don't drop by. things are planned to death. It's to the point where you almost look forward to hanging out with friends with the same level of anticipation as a vacation to Europe.

End original thoughts(my head can hold a lot of writing, sorrY)

As I was trying to type this out, the fact that I might be completely wrong occurred to me. what if this "New York" phenomenon wasn't a New York thing, but an age thing? What if getting old just means you have to squelch all semblance of spontaneity?

So, my question to you, both of you and anyone else who swings by, my question is: Is this a New york thing or a getting older thing? Do people just stop by anymore, or is everything planned out the wazoo? (Also, what exactly was a wazoo before it came to have it's current meaning?)

The question being asked, I just realized I am late for the impromptu gathering I have tonight. Maybe that's why people plan so far in advance?


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