Friday, December 09, 2005


Why do deli's, pizzerias, Chinese restaurants, etc. insist on using those cheap napkins? You know the ones I'm talking about, they're 2 inches by three inches wide, microns thick and made out of some sort of space-age material designed to absorb exactly one drop of any liquid before being rendered completely useless. And if that liquid is grease, I swear the napkins actually cause the grease to grow. I call these useless pieces of junk crapkins.

I'm sure they're cheap as hell, which would be why places buy them, but they're so useless for any sort of napkin activity that you end up getting 40 or 50 with each order. Wouldn't it be cheaper, in the long run, to give each customer one good quality napkin than 50 crapkins?

Even Mickey D's - at least around here - have resorted to what amounts to a slightly oversized crapkin. About the only takeout place - national or local to NYC - that's got it right is Subway. They're napkins are big, thick and absorbent. Too bad about the food.


Blogger Spider said...

Chris, don't I have much to say other than this is a great post. It's so true!!

Crapkins, what a great word!

12/12/2005 9:27 AM  

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