"Love, true love. Love is what brings us together today."
If I believe what the movies and TV and books tell me, there was supposed to be that one magical person out there and when we met there should have been birds or cheesy music or stars or something. Instant recognition that the universe may know what it's doing after all. If I believe womans's magazines, Oprah and my wive's bitter divorcé friend, men are scum and love is a myth. If I beleive those articles that certain magazines carry solely to give us something to say when said magazines are discovered beneath the mattress, I'll deliver a pizza one day and have really hot sex with a bitter divorcé who no longer beleives in love.
These are conflicting messages. So let's ignore them.
Instead, how about the concept of "The One"? There's something a little excusist about the concept.
Can't find a mate? "I'm still looking for the one."
Bad marriage? "He/she just wasn't The One."
Going through men/women about as often as a carton of milk? "I'm just having fun until I meet The One."
It's all an excuse. You can put life on hold, lay the blame for all your failings and probably explain bad credit by claiming that you have yet to find that elusive One.
There's a reason why "The One" is so prevalent in the realm of fantasy (The One Ring, The Chosen One, The One Who Live, Highlander), the concept is purely fantasy. How is it even conceivable that out of billions of people, only one will work?
Quit putting off life, liberty and the pursuit of sex in a futile search for a mystical creature that you probably wouldn't recognize anyway. Go out and make mistakes with the "wrong ones." Fall in love, fall off of it and look for another love to fall with. Live life, love life, etc.
Don't think about it as there being only one. think about it is as there being at least one.